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Talk of the Town Page 14

  They ended up pullin’ into the parkin’ lot of a twenty-four hour convenient store near Morningside. I parked in the dark and watched both of them get out and walk into the store. For a Friday night, it was unusually quiet.

  At that moment, I didn’t give a fuck if I was makin’ a mistake or not. He had to be dealt wit’ so I cocked my gun, ready for war. The only thing on my mind was that he’d disrespected me in front of my crew, which was unacceptable. I got out my car and waited for the right moment to strike. I ignored Ace’s advice to chill and lingered in the dark, like a predator waitin’ for its prey.

  Ten minutes passed before they walked out of the store and back to their car. The cutie was carryin’ a plastic bag, while high yellow was talkin’ on his cell-phone, makin’ the same mistake Meeka did. I narrowed in on them and moved forward with my nine gripped tightly in my hand. Luckily, the parkin’ lot was empty, leavin’ no witnesses to the murder I was about to commit.

  I quickly loomed out from darkness raisin’ my weapon. I wanted the loud mouth asshole to see me comin’, so I dropped his boy first, which I hated to do, because he was cool, but any acquaintances had to go.

  His head exploded when I shot him in the temple at point blank range, and he dropped like a large sack of potatoes on the cold ground.

  “Oh shit!” I heard loud mouth say.

  I quickly shot him in his knee cap, cripplin’ him before he could reach for any weapon. His phone flew out of his hand, as he dropped and clutched his bloody knee. “You fuckin’ trick!” he cursed, looking fiercely up at me.

  I stood over him with a grim stare and pointed my gun directly at his forehead. “Welcome to ATL, you stupid mutha-fucka!” Blam! Blam! Blam! Blam!

  I put three shots into his head and one in his big fuckin’ mouth. After lookin’ around to see if anyone was watchin’ me, I quickly retreated to my ride and drove off. I didn’t regret my actions, but I was worried about Ace because I’d disobeyed an order. Nah, fuck that! I did what I had to do. Nobody disrespects me like that.

  I drove hastily back to the city at top speed. I knew word would get out soon about the murders, so I contemplated about going back home but decided to go away. Minutes later, wit’ the murder weapon still concealed in my purse, I made it back to my place safely. I went into my bedroom, hid the gun under the mattress and crashed on my bed. “Wait a minute, somebody might try and come at me tonight,” I said out loud. I snatched the gun from under my mattress and put it under my pillow instead. If somebody wanted to play rough, then I was the perfect opponent.

  Chapter 13


  I woke up the next mornin’, and slowly opened my eyes only to see, Ace towerin’ over me like the Empire State Building. I jumped up, startled by his sudden presence. How in the fuck does he keep gettin’ in here? Without a seconds notice, he lunged toward me, as I tried to scramble to the other side of my king sized bed to grab my gun. But he was quick; he grabbed me by my shirt, and pulled me back in his direction like a rubber band. He tightly clutched his hand over my neck, and then body slammed me back on the bed. With Ace’s different mood swings, I was really startin’ to think that something was wrong wit’ him mentally. If I was gonna continue to be around him, I needed to protect myself.

  He was strong, and so hostile. The veins in his arm flexed as his fingertips began to lunge into my skin. As a woman, I should’ve been terrified, but I wasn’t. In my line of work, it would’ve been stupid to run from death, so I welcomed it.

  “What da fuck did I tell you!” he yelled. His eyes were burnin’ into me wit’ rage. “You never wanna fuckin’ listen to anybody, Mya.”

  “Fuck them niggahs,” I retorted.

  “Do you have any idea what you just did?” he yelled. “I should kill you for being so fuckin’ stupid.”

  “So do it then, Ace because I’m not afraid to die. Actually, I don’t even give a fuck!” I snapped. His grip around my neck never budged. I returned the same hostile stare. “What are you waitin’ for? Go ahead and get the shit over with, but I’ll be damned if I was gonna let that niggah live after last night,” I said. “So do it…the gun I used is under the pillow.”

  Suddenly, I noticed the rage and his tense stare slowly disappear from his eyes. His grip around my neck became looser, and then disappeared all together. I stayed on my back like a dead bug, and looked up at him in shock. I still couldn’t believe what had just happened.

  “Who the fuck was he anyway?” I asked.

  “A high profile niggah from New York with a lot of connections,” he explained.

  “So, who gives a fuck? Connects come and go, we’ll live.”

  Ace looked at me with a blank expression. I wasn’t sure if it was because of my lack of remorse. The fire he had in his eyes a moment ago was completely gone. Suddenly, I noticed a Glock he had concealed in a leather holster under his left armpit. I guess it was meant for me.

  “You fucked up, Mya!” he shouted.

  “So if I fucked up, then shoot me. I know you gotta handle your business. I ain’t scared to die.”

  I continued to lay on my bed as I watched Ace with a close eye. He stood next to my nightstand like he was contemplating somethin’. I was beginnin’ to wonder, why he hadn’t reached for his gun yet. When he couldn’t look me in the eyes, that’s when I realized, he couldn’t do it. Ace was a stone cold killer, a murder with no remorse, but with me he just couldn’t pull the trigger. I’d fucked up last night, so I should’ve never been able to open my eyes this mornin’. In our crew, those who fucked up and disobeyed orders like that had to see the other end of his smokin’ gun. In this game, there were no room for mistakes, and I’d already made two.

  I knew at that moment, that if he couldn’t kill me then he must’ve had feelings for me. It was hard to read him, but I felt some kind of connection between us.

  “Does Donte know about the murders?” I asked.

  “He’s the one who sent me,” he informed.

  That bitch ass mutha-fucka. I guess he won’t be gettin’ anymore pussy. “So why am I still alive?”

  I knew he didn’t want to respond to the question, but I needed an answer. Even though, Ace’s eyes were cold, and his expressions were meaningless, he had to be feelin’ somethin’ inside.

  I stared at Ace and boldly asked him, “Do you want to fuck me, Ace? Is that the reason why I’m still here?”

  He quickly displayed a deranged expression with his eyes, pulled out his Glock and charged forward. He began to choke me and put the gun to the back of my head. “Do you want me to do it, you stupid bitch!”

  I’d obviously hit a nerve. After a quick struggle, he quickly released his grip.

  “Can I ask you somthin’,” I said, waitin’ for his reply. I’d wanted to fuck him for a long time now, so it would be perfect if he felt the same way.

  He looked at me, but never said a word.

  “Can I ask you somthin’,” I repeated again. This time I didn’t wait for a response. “Why are you such a mystery? I practically throw myself at you, and all you do is fuckin’ ignore me.”

  “Because you belong to Donte.”

  I sat up in the bed, “Please, do you think I give a fuck about him at this point. That mutha-fucka means nothin’ to me.”

  “Well, It means somthin’ to me,” he countered.

  I had to laugh. “Are you serious? You don’t wanna fuck me because you think I’m his girl?”

  He remained quiet, with that same deranged stare he was so known for.

  “Look, Donte may be good at other areas, but in the bedroom, he’s definitely slackin’. He can eat some pussy, but his dick game is lackin’, if you know what I mean,” I said wit’ a smirk.

  Ace just stood there not amused by my comment. He was a cold blooded killer and a drug-dealer with morals. I laughed to myself.

  “You’re different, cuz any other niggah would’ve been fuckin’ me as we speak. But you, you have a code, and a certain type of respect. You don’t like to g
et involved with other men’s affairs, and I like that.”

  “Donte wants you dead, he thinks you’re a risk,” was his only reply.

  “Fuck Donte, and fuck you too, if you think y’all gonna put fear in my heart!” I shouted.

  Ace just stood in front of me wit’ his Glock to his side, pointed toward the floor.

  “Donte has changed, Ace. I know you see it. He’s too paranoid. He’s the one that’s becoming a risk,” I said.

  Ace stood there, probably listenin’ to what I had to say, but didn’t respond.

  “You saw what happened last night. He was high and let them fools talk to a member of this crew anyway they wanted. He’s becoming hooked on his own product, and now he’s paranoid and wants to have me killed for what, those two fools?” I asked. “C’mon, Ace, I know you see it too. He’s fuckin’ up. He’s the one becomin’ a risk. There’s no tellin’ what he’s out there doing when we ain’t around,” I continued.

  “What you gettin’ at?” he asked.

  “You’re not stupid, niggah. You and Donte are the only ones who know I killed them two fools last night. Y’all are also the ones who know I had a dispute wit’ that one high yellow niggah. Besides that, anyone could’ve killed them. With that fools mouth, I know he had plenty of enemies. So the blame can’t be placed on me, but with Donte, he needs to go.” “So you’re sayin’ we should kill him?”

  “Yeah, Donte’s not the same; he’s becomin’ a coke head. He’s running his mouth like a bitch, and could easily get us all killed or locked up,” I responded.

  I stood up and stepped to Ace with a soft approach, and my eyes fixated on his body. I stood an inch from him and said, “With Donte out the way, we can take over and become larger than anything ATL has ever seen. We can become like fuckin’, Bonnie and Clyde. You’re smart, you’re ruthless, and you show a sign of respect. Niggahs respect you on these streets, more than they respect Donte. Believe me, I hear things, and the consequences of killing Donte won’t be as severe as you think. He might have a few loyal soldiers by his side, but once we cut them down and show them who’s in charge, those niggahs that come against us, will become your personal bitches to deal with.”

  I knew Ace was takin’ in the proposal. He stood erect with his gat still gripped in his hand. “And what about O.C.?”

  “Let me handle O.C. He can be a very understandin’ man, but if he’s not on board, then we’ll put the green light out on him, too,” I informed.

  Ace was quiet. I still didn’t get the reaction I wanted. But I knew he had to see the bigger picture with us takin’ over the drug trade in Atlanta. It was our time, I felt it. I wanted to be that girl no one could touch. My reputation was already becomin’ fiercer. And with Ace by my side, we could become the supreme team.

  Ace stood in front of me lookin’ the way a man should look, tall, muscular and handsome.

  I was horny and a bit frustrated. After the night I’d just had, I needed a niggah to break me off wit’ some dick, and Ace was the perfect candidate. I didn’t give a fuck about his morals, I just wanted to fuck.

  “So you feel me on this proposal?” I asked.

  He returned my gaze. “I need to think about it.”

  “That’s understandable,” I lied. Truthfully, I was tired of playin’ games.

  I gently grabbed Ace by his tank-top and said to him, “With Donte out the way, I can be your woman. And you can have the best of both worlds, a good business partner and some sweet pussy.” I took off the small teddy I had on and tossed it to the side. Because I hardly ever wore panties, for the second time I was completely naked in front of the man I desperately wanted inside of my body.

  I ran my hands across his chest, touchin’ his muscular pecks, and feelin’ his abs through his tank-top. I then placed my hand on the prize, which was the bulge between his legs. It felt so nice in my hand that I wanted to molest him. “You and me, baby…think about it,” I continued.

  I lifted his shirt, exposing the raw six-pack he had underneath. I slowly ran my hands across his stomach touchin’ every inch of his skin. I squatted in front of him a bit, and ran my tongue across his body, tastin’ every last inch. Even though his personality was a little crazy, he was still a man, and a man needs pussy. He couldn’t resist me forever.

  Ace’s dick was stiff as a board, so I had to get to work. I fondled him with one hand while I tried to undress him with the other. He placed his gun on the nightstand, and then I pulled his wife-beater over his head, exposin’ his chiseled body. I began kissin’ every inch of him, and, he finally started to come alive and show some interest. He took his index finger and made small circles around my nipples, which instantly made them hard. Once they were pointin’ at him, he sucked wit’ gentle tugs, and then began to suck wit’ force. This was the first time, I’d ever been this close to him without him turnin’ away and it felt wonderful. My pussy began to throb.

  I went for his pants and quickly unbuckled them. I needed to see what he was working with. From what I felt in my hands, I definitely wasn’t gonna be disappointed. My body began to ache with lust, and my pussy juices poured out like hot liquid from an explodin’ volcano. Every touch from him on my bare skin made my body shake.

  As I pulled his boxers down, my eyes said it all. I was in complete awe when I stared at his thick penis. It had to be at least ten inches, and felt like a pipe. I stroked it back and forth, feelin’ the veins pulsate in my hand. The more I stroked him, the hornier I got.

  Within seconds, I jumped up and pushed him on the bed. I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to climb up and straddle that horse. Even in the heat of the moment, Ace was quiet. He didn’t talk shit to me like every other niggah I’d been wit’ which was odd for me. Right before I was about ride his dick, he grabbed me by the waist and flipped me over.

  “Wow, you’re rough, but I like that. Get rough with me, daddy,” I said, in my sexy child like voice.

  I fell on my back against the mattress with Ace’s big frame on top of me. I spread my legs apart and opened then as widely as I could, waitin’ for him to dive in. I looked up at him with a strong hunger in my stare, yearnin’ for him to take me.

  He gripped my leg and positioned himself close to the pussy. He then gripped his large hard dick and only put the tip of the head in, then pulled it back out.

  “No, don’t tease me,” Ibegged. “Please put it back in.”

  He looked at me like I was lying. “Do you want it?” he asked.

  I almost fell off the bed because I couldn’t believe that he’d finally said something. “Yes, I want it, can’t you tell?”

  “Well, I don’t think I should give it to you since you’ve been bad.”

  I looked at him with concern. If he was gonna get me horny as hell, then take away the dick, there was gonna be a problem. I decided not to jump to any conclusions. “I’m sorry I’ve been bad, please give it to me.”

  As I was prepared to hear another question, he thrust his dick inside of me, which caught me off guard. I let out a loud scream. His thickness had opened me up like no one had ever done before. Damn, have I been messing wit’ lil’ dick niggahs all my life? He grabbed both of my legs and spread them so far apart, I almost did a split. Wit’ my legs lookin’ like a cheerleader, he continued to thrust his massive dick inside my pussy, causin’ my screams to turn into moans. I clutched the bed sheets as the feeling of ecstasy overcame my body. He was fuckin’ the shit outta me.

  He continued to pound into me like he was literally tryin’ to kill my pussy. I hoped he wasn’t tryin’ to have a murderous reputation in the bedroom too. But I loved it rough. He fucked me for twenty minutes straight until I felt a nut beginning to brew. His dick began to swell, so I knew he was about to explode. It felt so good, that I clawed his back and nibbled on his ear as he continued to pound my pussy. He gripped my thighs and his thrusts became even more intense.

  “Cum for me, baby,” I moaned.

  His pace became rapid, I felt his body tensin’ up an
d soon he began to jerk out of control. I grabbed him in my arms and held him close as he continued to get the last bit of semen out.

  I love to see a niggah cum, because they lose all control and no matter how hard and dangerous they are, at the moment of climax, they are all the same, weak and helpless. It was like lettin’ the air out of a balloon and watching it deflate.

  I couldn’t believe after having that explosive sex, Ace was still quiet. A few minutes later, he got up and immediately began to get dressed. As I laid there and watched him put on his pants, I couldn’t help but to think how satisfied I was. He reached for his gun and placed it back in the holster.

  “Are you gonna leave me a tip?” I joked.

  “We’ll talk,” was his only reply before he turned around and walked out my door.

  That was the first time I’d ever had sex with someone and he left before me, this felt strange.

  Chapter 14


  It was my last day in Miami and I didn’t want to leave, but I needed to take care of some business back at home. I’d spent four weeks living in a fantasy world, but now things had to get back to normal. It was hard giving up this life, even though I knew it was only temporary.

  I was already packed and decided to go out on the deck to take in one last bit of sun, while I drank some of Scottie’s famous Ice Tea. Scottie had been gone for a few hours, and I wasn’t quite sure where he’d gone, and wouldn’t dare ask.

  During the weeks that passed, I’d gotten to know a little bit more about him and his life. I learned that he was a major cocaine and ecstasy supplier throughout Miami and majority of the south, reaching up to Atlanta and New York. The man was a multi-millionaire, who laundered his money through so many legit businesses, that he was damn near untraceable. He was a smart business man. The guy, Juan who I’d met at the salsa club when I first arrived was his number one partner, and the two of them had Miami and other parts of the south on lock.