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Talk of the Town Page 16

  He chuckled, “You run with men and now you think a dick swings between your legs. Without me, Donte and Ace havin’ your back, these niggahs will eat you alive.”

  That’s just it niggah, Ace does have my back. “Well you never had a problem wit’ eatin’ me alive huh, O.C. Being that you were always on your knees tryin’ to please me,” I remarked. Fuck you, asshole!” I shouted.

  I slammed the phone down, stood up, and walked off without givin’ O.C. a second glance or look. I was done with him. The partnership was terminated.

  “Fuck you, bitch! You gonna see!” I heard him shout as he banged the phone against the glass partition. I knew the C.O’s were gonna snatch his ass up for bangin’ on the glass before I even walked out the door. I hope they fuck his ass up.

  Two days later my meetin’ wit’ Mr. G. finally arrived. Ace had set it up through his New York connection and assured me that everything was legit and that I would be in good hands. But I didn’t underestimate O.C. and what he could do, so I hired a team of hood snipers to watch my back in case anything went wrong.

  I had my shooters posted up outside in discreet locations and told them if I didn’t come out at a certain time, then they were to shoot up the place without leavin’ a single witness.

  The meeting happened on the outskirts of the city, in a motel room not to far off of I-85. The location was open, not too congested with traffic or people and was close to a main road in case somethin’ jumped off.

  It was ten o’clock when Ace, myself and one of his soldiers pulled up into the parkin’ lot. But unaware to Ace, I had three more men hidden in different areas armed with Mack 10’s if I didn’t come out in one piece.

  Mr. G. was on time and already waitin’ for our arrival inside. We noticed a man in a long black trench coat posted outside of room 125, and knew he was packin’. Besides, it wasn’t like the huge bulge in his coat was a bouquet of flowers.

  “Mr. G. has been waiting on you,” the man said, as he stared at us.

  “Open the door then,” I snapped.

  The guard insisted that we be checked for weapons, but Ace’s goon refused. I didn’t want any trouble so early, so I told him to stay outside and keep an eye out for anything funny. Ace passed the goon his loaded Glock, and then we walked inside.

  “Are you the bitch that killed my men?” Mr. G. asked me in a firm tone.

  He didn’t waste anytime wit’ the interrogation. He was seated at the raggedy desk the motel provided with his legs crossed, in a sharp dark gray suit that looked custom made. Dark sunglasses covered his eyes, and he held a straight cold face. He had gangsta written all over him with his diamond pinky ring, and tan skin.

  Two armed men stood on either side of him, with one clutching a Glock 17 and the other holdin’ onto a .357.

  “Tell me why I shouldn’t have my men kill you right now?” he said. “Those two soldiers made me good money down here.”

  “With all due respect, one of your men was a damn fool. I only met him for a brief moment, but he was a disaster waitin’ to happen,” I remarked. “Plus, the guy you were gettin’ ready to deal with would’ve given you problems as well.”

  “And what makes you so sure?”

  “Because he’s gettin’ high everyday and sloppy wit’ his work. And from what I’ve been hearin’ one of your men was makin’ a lot of enemies down here. If it wasn’t me, then someone else would’ve gotten to him real soon, and you don’t need that kind of heat on you. But me, I’m careful. I’m respected, and I have a team ready to move some serious weight for you,” I explained.

  “And I’m supposed to trust some bitch just because she knows how to shoot her daddy’s gun,” he retorted.

  “I’ve been in this game since I was fifteen. I’ve robbed, killed, and fucked for cash all my life. Money moves me, Mr. G. I know what I’m doing, I’ve made it this far. And even after I killed your men, how am I still able to stand here and have a meetin’ wit’ you. I have my respect in this city. Ace can vouch for me.”

  Mr. G. stared at Ace, who stood firm. I knew he was fearless.

  “Does the mute talk?” he asked. He stood up and slowly approached us.

  “I talk only when shit needs to be said,” Ace replied.

  “I’ve heard things about you, Ace, good things. Your reputation proceeds you. Why don’t you come work for us, huh? I pay good money for men like you to be on my team. I’ll give you the honor of murdering this bitch right now, and you can run things in Atlanta,” Mr. G. said to him.

  I kept quiet, allowin’ the situation to play itself out. I wasn’t sure if Ace thought it was a good opportunity or not.

  “You like working for a bitch, huh? Or are you fuckin’ this bitch, which one?” Mr. G. asked.

  Ace returned Mr. G.’s hard stare and kept his composure. “I belong with my crew, here,” was his only reply.

  Mr. G. finally smiled. “I respect a man that’s loyal to his crew.”

  “As I was sayin’,” I chimed in. “I can boost business here in Atlanta by twenty percent. I have a strong team behind me, and I don’t run my mouth like your past employees. I have Ace by my side, I don’t get high so you don’t have to worry about me using the product. Within one month I’ll push fifteen kilos for you, more than what Donte was ever doing. And the most important, thing I’m a loyal chick.”

  “How about I throw you on that bed and see how loyal you truly are,” he suggested.

  I smiled and moved closer to him. “Whatever it takes to prove my loyalty, so be it.”

  I returned his gaze, never lookin’ away. He smiled again. “Even though you’re a woman, you got balls to come up in here and demand to come work for me after you put two of my men in the ground. But I respect that.”

  He moved away from me and sat back in the chair. He pulled out a cigar from his suit pocket and one of his men immediately pulled out a lighter. “I’ll give you a trial period. You both have a month to make me happy, but if I’m not happy with business, then my men aren’t happy. And if my men aren’t happy, both of you will have problems. And I don’t like problems. I make problems disappear. What do they call you, Mya?”

  I nodded my head.

  “Well Mya, I will personally make your face into a human jigsaw puzzle and have all of my men rape you if this business arrangement turns out to be a mistake,” he warned.

  I didn’t let his threats bother me. “It won’t, you can trust me on that.”

  “I don’t trust anybody. For your sake, it better not be. Now, in a few days, I have a shipment coming in. I want twenty percent up front, and the rest I’ll give to you on consignment. Please don’t make me look for you, because I hate looking for people.”

  “Not a problem, Mr. G.,” I replied.

  With that, I had my new connect in place and things were starting to happen for me. Now it was time to take out the trash and do some spring cleanin’.

  Establishing my new connect with Mr. G. gave me the green light to continue with my plan. Those who were against me had to go, and the first one on my list was that coke head, Donte.

  A week after our meetin’ wit’ Mr. G, Ace was on his job and finally tracked Donte down at his new girlfriend’s house in Decatur. He was tryin’ to keep a low profile, but he was still getting high and sloppy as usual. Word around town was that he was tryin’ to get a shipment of high powered guns, because he was paranoid and wanted the extra fire power to protect himself. He knew his time was up and a new dominant power was comin’ to take over what he thought was his. I wanted his death to be a message and didn’t want it to be discreet or unknown. I wanted to kill him out in the open for all to see and be warned.

  That night me and Ace were parked outside Donte’s girlfriend’s house waitin’ for him to arrive and meet his fate. I sat in the front passenger seat of the rented car we drove, holding onto a Mack 10, waitin’ to cut him down like the annoyin’ fuckin’ weed that he’d become.

  Ace was his normal quiet self, sittin’ behind the driver�
��s seat starin’ out the windshield. He had his Glock in his hand and held a warrior look in his eyes. I loved the way Ace kept his cool and had my back in the meetin’ wit’ Mr. G. He could’ve easily betrayed me, because his reputation was fierce, and a lot of crews wanted him, but he gave his word to me that he would have my back. I felt invincible with him by my side.

  “You okay, baby?” I asked.

  “Let’s just do this,” he replied, without even turnin’ to look at me. I guess he was preparin’ himself for the hit.

  Why does he turn me on so fuckin’ much? I asked myself so many times. I eyed him for a short moment, and then got myself back into a killin’ mode. I gripped the sub-machine gun in my hand and held it tightly. It wasn’t my first time handlin’ the weapon. I’d practiced numerous times with Ace at the hidden shooting range we went to at least once a week.

  I’d picked the Mack 10 as my new gun of choice because it could easily mow down anything standin’ within seconds, and we weren’t sure how many men Donte would be with. I wanted everything to stop breathin’ when the rounds went off.

  Suddenly, a sliver Chrysler 300 with tinted windows slowly made it’s way toward Donte’s new home. Finally, it was show time. I put on my platinum wig and dark shades to hide my identity.

  We were parked behind a van and some shrubberies, tryin’ to be out of plain view and not easily noticed. The Chrysler pulled up to Donte’s house and three men and a woman stepped out of the car, one of them being Donte.

  He exited from behind the passenger side with his companion, along with two bodyguards. I’m sure they were concealing guns.

  That must be his new bitch ass girlfriend,” I said, as Donte patted her ass.

  Ace looked at me like he was offended. “Are you jealous or some shit?” he asked.

  Damn, he finally said something. “No, baby, I’m not jealous at all,” I lied. For some reason I hated seeing my former men with other women even if I didn’t want them anymore.

  Donte looked around, observin’ the area, and after he felt everything was safe, he pulled the girl close to him and threw his arm around her. He whispered somethin’ in her ear as they began walkin’ toward her house with his armed bodyguards trailin’ not too far behind.

  Seeing that they vulnerable to attack, Ace put the car in drive and peeled off, toward our marks. With the passenger side window down, I leaned out the window, west coast style with the gun gripped tightly in my hands ready to lullaby all four targets.

  Hearing the sudden screechin’ of tires, caused Donte and his goons to turn around quickly, only to be violently greeted with a heavy burst of rapid gunfire. I hit both of his goons first as dozens of hot metal slugs tore into them. They violently spun around with impact and instantly dropped dead to the ground.

  I then hit Donte and his new bitch, and within seconds, they dropped like fuckin’ flies. The gunfire was loud, chaotic, and intense, which turned me on.

  I wanted to make sure Donte was dead, so I told Ace to stop the car. He looked at me like I’d gone insane, but followed my demands. When he did, I quickly jumped out the car like Ice-Cube’s character, Doughboy did in Boyz N Da Hood. With the powerful gun still in my hand, I walked up to my former lover like I was on a mission. Both of his goons and his bitch were already dead, but Donte wasn’t. Shit, I need to work on my aim a lil’ more.

  Donte was layin’ on his side, clutchin’ his wounds. He was in pretty bad shape. I’d hit him multiple times in the abdomen, and he was bleeding heavily.

  “You fuckin’ bitch,” he cried out. His hands were desperately tryin’ to cover the many gunshot wounds that I’d inflicted on him. But it wasn’t helpin’. “Fuck you, Mya!” he shouted and then looked up at me. Even though I had on my disguise, he knew exactly who I was.

  I stood over him, with my gun pointed at his forehead and smiled. “New day, new management mutha-fucka! Your services have been expired.”

  With that, I opened fired on him again, and the hot powerful rounds violently ripped into his skin and flesh. It was ugly, but the job was done. Donte lay dead in a pool of blood, as his eyes remained open in a mindless stare. It was a massacre.

  I ran back to the car and quickly jumped in. Ace looked calm as usual and kept a blank look, as he quickly pulled off. He never seemed worried about anything.

  “It’s done baby,” I said. I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  He drove off as fast as he could, trying to get out he neighborhood before the cops arrived.

  After we got on the expressway, I became so horny I couldn’t even think. I guess the sight of my targets lying on the ground and my man handlin’ business was a complete turn on for me. I tossed the gun in the backseat and moved closer to Ace

  “I want you, baby,” I said, lifting up his shirt, I began lickin’ on his abs, as I pulled on his pants and belt buckle.

  My hormones were ragin’ and I needed some dick bad. With his pants unzipped and his big dick exposed, I kissed and sucked on his stomach and worked my way down to the prize. I slowly shoved his huge erection down my throat, and then began to suck it at a rapid pace.

  “Mmmm,” Ace moaned, tryin’ to keep control of the car.

  I jerked him off and sucked on his shaft simultaneously, feeling his hard black dick swell in my hands. For ten minutes I worked him over, and my pussy got so wet that it felt like I’d just gotten out of the shower.

  “I want you in me, baby,” I moaned. I was all over him, craving for his dick.

  We ended up back at my place going at it like to two dogs in heat. Ace knew that I liked it rough, and he didn’t hold back when it came to giving me some dick.

  I was excited, I’d gotten rid of a major problem and was soon to get rid of a few more.

  It was my finally my time. I was sendin’ out a bloody message not to fuck with me. And with Donte’s gruesome death, I dared anyone to come test the waters.

  Chapter 16


  As soon as I exited the airport in Atlanta, I was met with a cool breeze and a heavy down pour of rain. I hoped this wasn’t a sign of what being back in Atlanta was going to be like. I was starting to miss Scottie and the city of Miami already. I decided to take a cab home from the airport because I didn’t want anyone to know that I was back in town yet. I needed some peace and quiet for a moment, especially from my loud month clients who were probably going crazy by now.

  When I got home, my apartment was a mess. Apparently, I’d left in quite a rush because there were shoes and clothes everywhere. When I checked the voice mail on my cell phone, I had about two dozen messages. Most of them were from clients trying to get their hair done, and surprisingly two were from Mya.

  “Yo, Diamond I see you ain’t in town, what’s up wit’ that? Did you skip out on your girl? I know I ain’t scare you off, but anyway, get at me, holla,” Mya said, on my voice mail.

  That bitch is crazy, I said shaking my head.

  But her next message was even crazier “Yo, Diamond, where you at girl? I’m tryin’ to holla at you, and you just up and disappeared. Why the fuck is your cell goin’ straight to voicemail. What’s up wit’ that? I wanna get at you about somthin’, but your ass is probably in Miami wit’ that mutha-fucka, Scottie. What the fuck is wrong wit’ you? Why did you hook up wit’ that damn dude? I can’t believe you sold me out like that. For real, Dimond you need to get back at me soon.”

  She sounded high or drunk. I erased both of her messages and closed the phone. I hadn’t been back for twenty-four hours and Mya was already getting on my nerves. I began to unpack all of my clothes and went from room to room cleaning up my apartment. Being around Scottie’s spotless homes, motivated me to start keeping my place a lit better cleaner. Besides, if I ever wanted him to marry me, I had to start getting myself together.

  Early Monday morning I was at Trust Bank on Spring Street, in downtown Atlanta, to apply for my loan. I sat in front of Jonathan Frazier in my black St. John business suit and Dior pumps, looking like
a true business woman. I had to represent for myself and my man.

  Jonathan was a white guy, who was a bit overweight with a receding hairline. As soon as I arrived, we talked about Scottie for a brief moment, and then got straight to business. Like Scottie promised, he walked me through the application process step by step and told me exactly what to write down. Within an hour, all my paper work was signed and I’d gotten an approval on a hundred thousand dollar loan to open up my salon.

  I stood up and shook Mr. Frazier’s hand, thanking him for everything.

  “Tell Mr. Morales I said hello, and that he shouldn’t forget about me,” Mr. Frazier said.

  I gave a huge smile. “I will.”

  He returned the smile and gave his congratulations. Seconds later, I walked out the bank door the proud owner of a business. Ma, if you could see me now, you would be proud, I thought as I put on my sunglasses and walked back to my car.

  It was a nice sunny day, so I put the top down and headed home to get on the internet. I had to find a space for my salon quickly so I could start getting things in order. I called Scottie and told him that everything went through. He sounded so happy for me, even though he knew all along that the loan was gonna be approved. He then told me that he was gonna send someone from Miami to meet me and go through the game plan. When I asked him who I should be on the look out for, he said his people would find me first. The less I knew about the person the better. I didn’t stress it. I was so happy that I was finally gonna have my own hair salon he could’ve said Tupac was coming and I wouldn’t have cared.

  Two months later, I opened up DIAMOND’S in Buckhead, a block away from the Fox Theater. It was a classy place, and everything in the shop was top notch. I had eight stylists working for me, paying three hundred dollars a week for booth rent. Two nail techs, and a receptionist. I’d even hired freaky ass, Alaina to be one of the shampoo girls. The shop had marble floors, three flat screen televisions, and a Bose entertainment system so we could listen to all the latest music.