Talk of the Town Page 19
When I walked in the house, I went straight to the bathroom and stared at my reflection in the mirror. For some reason, I immediately thought about a family. I’d always wanted a family, a husband, and a rich life. I always thought that my life was rich growing up with my brother and the wealth he’d acquired through the drug trade, but in reality, that shit didn’t last forever.
I thought about my mother, and remembered the talks we used to have when I was young, before my brother died. She loved her family, her children, and always made sure we lived in a stable home even after my drunk ass father walked out on us when I was only a year old.
She warned me never to get pregnant so young, or by just any man, because life would get harder. She never regretted having me or my brother, but told me she hated having us so soon. She had given birth to my brother at fifteen and had me three years later. Her advice always stuck with me, so I was always cautious when it came to sex. I wanted to make sure I didn’t make the same mistakes my mother did. That’s probably why she always hated the fact that Mya was my best friend. I guess she knew Mya was fucking every boy in the neighborhood and would warn me about her. I guess I should’ve listened to my mother’s intuition because now the girl, who I used to call my sister, was now my biggest threat. I would’ve never thought that things would turn out like this between us. I couldn’t help but think at what point did her life go in the complete opposite direction. It was almost as if she wanted to die. I’d always known for Mya to be a little crazy, but now she was letting money and power go to her head, and she needed to be stopped.
I found one of my favorite songs and pressed the play button on my CD player before turning on the water in the tub, and filling it with my favorite coconut scented bubble bath. I needed a nice soothing bath to help me relax. When the water reached the top, I slipped off my clothes and slowly made my way into the warm water. I closed my eyes with my back against the tub, as I listened to fine ass, Tyrese sing, Sweet Lady in the background. As the water began to calm me a bit, I had to laugh at myself because I always had dreams of marrying Tyrese one day. But the man of my dreams still existed, because now I had Scottie. I laughed to myself again because I’d gone from wanting a sweet dark chocolate man to a rich warm vanilla.
Chapter 20
A week later, I was in the shop working on a client listening to several stylists talk about all the murders that had happened over the past few days. Marquez had managed to get a few dudes from Mya’s crew, but they had retaliated, and killed a few more of his soldiers.
I would’ve been lying if I said that I wasn’t scared. I’d thought that I was cut out for this type of life, but obviously I was wrong. Several police had come into the shop a few times asking about Marquez, and probably terrorizing my customers, so this drama had to end soon. Again, I thought about calling Scottie, but decided to leave him out of it. This was my problem, so I needed to fix it. The problem was I didn’t know how. On the outside, I seemed so strong and acted as if I had everything together, but on the inside, I was crying for help.
“Michelle,” I called out.
“What’s up, Diamond?” she asked.
“Can you finish her up for me? I need to take care of something in my office?” I replied.
“No problem,” Michelle said, taking the hair extensions out of my hand.
When Michelle took over, I quickly went into my office and closed the door behind me. I lay across my couch, and started regretting bringing my cousin into all this, and taking a shortcut with Scottie to open up my own shop. At this point, I knew it was going to cost me. Tears began to form in my eyes as I thought about Marquez and the danger I was putting him in. At the end of all this there were two inevitable things that was soon to come, death or prison. Marquez was the only family I had left, so the last thing that I wanted was to cause him any harm.
I continued to think about my life for a few minutes, then I heard a knock at the door. “Who is it?” I asked.
“It’s me, Carol.”
“Come in,” I replied wiping away my tears.
The door swung open and Carol peeped her head in, but before she could say anything I spoke up. “I’m not in the mood for any gossip, so if that’s what you want then shut the door.”
“No, that’s not what I want. You got some dude out here looking for you.”
I looked at her with confusion. “Who is he? What’s his name?”
“He didn’t say.”
I sighed. I hoped it wasn’t another damn cop because I wasn’t in the mood for their shit today either. Then again, it could’ve been Mya or one of the dudes she ran with, so I began to get a little paranoid.
“He’s really cute,” Carol informed.
“Okay, give me a minute.”
When she closed the door, I got up and went over to my desk to pull out the gun that I’d purchased to keep at the shop. I was a marked woman, and knew how crazy Mya was, so I didn’t want to take any chances. I also didn’t want to risk the lives of any of my employees.
I stuffed the gun down in the pocket of my smock, dried my tears and straightened my outfit, trying to look presentable. I then walked out my door and my face suddenly became flushed when I saw my former lover standing in the center of my shop. It had been almost a year since I’d seen or heard from him, and now here he was, back in my life all of a sudden.
He smiled at me, holding a bouquet of white roses in his hand. He was dressed in a black Hugo Boss button-down shirt, baggy denim jeans, and a fitted Chicago White Sox hat tilted on his head.
“Oh my god, Rashad,” I uttered. I was lost for words.
“Hey baby, how you doing?” he greeted, never taking his eyes off of me. “I know it’s been a long time. And I’m sorry, but give me a chance to explain myself.”
It felt like I was seeing a ghost, but he looked so good. His goatee was neat and trimmed and his full lips looked so soft. Snap out of it, this dude left you and never came back, I thought.
“It’s been almost a year,” I said, suddenly feeling angry.
“I know, but…,”
“I thought you were dead,” I replied cutting him off.
I looked around and realized that we weren’t alone, and noticed the entire shop staring at us. The ladies smiled and batted their eyes at Rashad, admiring his six-three frame and smooth caramel skin. “Let’s talk in my office.”
He followed me and I closed the door behind him, knowing that the gossip would soon start when I was out of the room. When we were finally alone, Rashad handed me the flowers. “Here, these are for you.”
“Thanks,” I said taking them reluctantly. I couldn’t believe he’d decided to show back up in my life after all this time. Did he forget that he’d just disappeared from my life like I wasn’t shit? I needed an explanation.
“I know you’re upset,” he stated.
“Really, what would make you say that?” I replied sarcastically.
“I’m sorry Diamond. When I went New York that day, things got rough for me. I caught a charge and they locked me up. So I wasn’t able to contact you, baby,” Rashad began to explain.
I looked at him, like he was full of shit.
“Don’t look at me like that, Diamond. Shit went bad for me and my crew. I’m sorry for not calling, but your number was in my phone.”
“So, you couldn’t remember any of my numbers?”
“I know it sounds like a lie, but I couldn’t. Then when I finally caught up wit’ somebody down here, I told them to go by your crib, but they said you had moved.”
“It’s been almost a fuckin’ year, Rashad. You had me thinking that you were dead, or just didn’t give a fuck. Do you know what that fuckin’ felt like? It was hell for me,” I shouted, as tears ran down my face.
“Baby, I’m so sorry. If I could, I would do things different, believe me. I thought about you everyday. I missed you,” he said, walking toward me with his arms open.
I didn’t want to give in too easily, so
I moved back a few steps, rejecting his embrace. “Why are you here?” I asked.
“I came for you.”
I didn’t respond. I just looked at him as thousands of thoughts raced through my mind.
“Baby, I’ve been away from you for a long time, and I know it’s too soon to have things go back the way they were, but I want to try. I don’t wanna lose you again,” he informed.
I wanted to tell him that I had somebody in my life, but couldn’t get it to come out. He looked around my office. “I see you did really well for yourself while I was gone. You came up for real, and I’m proud of you. I always knew you were a hustler,” he said.
“Thanks. So where are you staying?” I asked.
“I don’t know yet. I was hoping you would let me stay at your place for a few nights, until I can get back on my feet. Is that gonna be a problem?”
I wanted to tell him yes, but once again it wouldn’t come out. All of my common sense went out the door when I said, “Sure it’s not a problem.” Why the fuck did I just say that? Scottie is going to kill me.
He smiled and moved toward me again for another embrace, and this time I didn’t refuse. I stood there, waiting to feel his touch. “Baby, I missed you. It’s gonna be different this time around. I promise you,” he said, holding me softly in his arms.
I know I should’ve pushed him away and told him to leave, but it was like I was in some sort of trance, almost paralyzed in a way. As if I didn’t have enough drama going on in my life, I knew this unexpected reunion wasn’t going to help.
That same evening, Rashad came back to my house to stay a few days. I had to admit that I was kind of excited. He made me feel like a young school girl; and with him around, I forgot about my beef with Mya.
“This you, baby, that’s what’s up,” Rashad said, as we walked through the garage.
I smiled. “Yeah, I came a long way from that one bedroom apartment in the projects.
We both made our way inside, and I quickly gave Rashad a tour of the place. When he arrived in the guest bedroom, I told him that’s where he would be staying.
“Thanks, Diamond. I really appreciate this,” he said, dropping his duffel bag.
“Are you hungry?”
“Yeah, I sure am,” he responded.
“Cool. Feel free to get comfortable while I fix us something to eat,” I said, as I turned around and walked out the room. Within minutes, I could hear the shower running, so I guess he’d already taken me up on my offer.
I went into the kitchen and started preparing a small meal that consisted of steak, baked potatoes and string beans. I tried not to get too carried away with the meal.
About an hour later, Rashad made his way downstairs and joined me in the kitchen. He was dressed in some baggy sweat pants, a wife-beater, and some fresh white socks.
I smiled at his presence. He looks a little too comfortable.
“Damn that smells good, Diamond. You still can burn, baby,” he praised.
“I never lost it.”
I told him that dinner would be ready in another half an hour, so that gave us time to chill. I met up with him in the great room, and he put in a movie for us to watch on my 40” flat screen.
I nervously took a seat on my sofa beside him, and waited for the movie to start. He smelled so good, and when I looked at him, his piercing brown eyes seemed to burn a hole in my heart and sent chills through my body. Damn, I missed him, I thought.
The movie began to start and it felt good to be home with a man, with dinner preparing in the kitchen. This was the life I wanted; this is what made me truly happy. Even though Rashad was a thug, he always knew how to make me feel so good, and no matter how much I tried to suppress my feelings, I knew I loved him.
The crazy thing was I loved Scottie as well, especially the way he took care of me, but there was something about Rashad that I loved more. We talked a little bit while watching, Crossover. He told me about what went down when he went to New York that day and how he’d ended up doing six months at Rikers, until he finally made bail.
“So how were you able to leave town with you out on bail?” I asked.
“I got my ways. My PO, is good people. I told him about you and how I loved you, and wanted to bring you back to N.Y with me,” he responded.
I laughed. “Are you serious?”
“Diamond, since the day I left, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I’m only here for a little while because I have a court date in two months. That’s why I want you to go back wit’ me,” he explained.
It all sounded good, but I couldn’t do it. I had a business to run, and also had some unfinished business with Mya to take care of. Plus I had Scottie to consider. He loved me, and had also helped me with my salon. I knew having Rashad come back into my life wouldn’t sit well with him. With Scottie’s status, I knew he could find me even in New York and have me killed if he felt I betrayed him. I saw what he was capable of doing before I left Miami. But then again, when you’re in love, you’re willing to take risks. I gave Rashad a hug and told him I would think about it.
Suddenly, I remembered dinner and rushed into the kitchen to remove the bake potatoes out of the oven. Several minutes later, we ate, talked and laughed about everything. I held a smile on my face as Rashad continued to praise my cooking all throughout dinner. It had been a while since someone enjoyed my food. After dessert, we then found our way back on the couch to finish watching the movie. I decided to get a little closer to him this time, so I snuggled my body up against his chest, with my eyes glued to the television. I loved the feeling of his warm embrace. Suddenly, I felt his hands start to travel slowly across of my body, with his fingers slightly brushing against my breasts. My breathing became deep, as I felt his hands slowly going up my shirt, sending sensual chills throughout my body.
“I missed you so much, Diamond.”
“I missed you too,” I replied.
Once he made his way under my bra, he slowly took his fingers and massaged my nipples. I closed my eyes as he brushed his finger back and forth causing my nipples to become stiff. Suddenly, I felt his other hand unbuckling my jeans, and then bury its way down into my pants. I let out a slight moan as he neared my pussy. He began kissing me on the back of my neck, and sucking on my earlobes while he played in my kitty at the same time. I moaned again letting him know that I enjoyed his touch, which was sensual and soft, but also aggressive.
Almost immediately he jumped up and looked at me with uncontrollable desire. He went for my jeans and began pulling them off slowly, and I raised my legs giving him easy access to slide them off without difficulty. After my jeans were tossed on the floor, he went for my panties, which he removed with ease and tossed them next to my jeans.
With my bottom half exposed, he admired me for a moment. My kitty hairs were trimmed down neatly like a fresh hair cut, and my lips were poking out waiting for his entry.
Rashad leaned forward and began kissing me on my stomach, sucking on my belly-button and then worked his way between my legs, kissing in between my thighs during his tour downtown. His tongue tickled my lips, then penetrated its way through me effortlessly, and sank deeply into my drowning pussy.
“Aaahhh,” I moaned, as my fingers clutched his head.
His tongue seemed to do tricks with my kitty as it darted in and out and occasionally did laps around my clit. I could feel my juices oozing out when he lifted my lips to gain even better access. I began to moan so loud, I almost drowned out the movie.
I couldn’t take it anymore, I had to have him. “Fuck me,” I cried out.
I didn’t have to say it twice. He lifted his face from between my legs, and quickly removed his sweats, came out his boxers and lifted his wife-beater over his head. His abs were ripped and his chest swollen with muscle. He positioned himself on top of me, spreading my legs as wide as they could go. His thrust inside caused me to let out an even louder moan than before, as I clutched his body near mine, and sank my teeth into his shoulders. I clawe
d at his back as his dick sank deep inside me feeling like the length was endless.
He grunted, taking control over my body. It felt like our heartbeats were one, as he lay pressed against me, making my body shake with pleasure.
It had been a while since I felt like this. I savored every second as he continued to make love to my body. We kissed each other excitedly like we couldn’t get enough.
“I’m cumin’,” he moaned.
I wanted to fill him explode inside of me. I hugged him tighter as our love making became more intense and my body also began to approach an orgasm.
“I love you,” he said.
Rashad’s thrust became more extreme knowing that a nut was brewing. His dick was so hard it felt like a huge piece of stone. I didn’t want us to end. His body soon became rigid, and he clutched the couch firmly, like he was hanging on for dear life.
“Shit, I’m cumin’!” he yelled, with his face twisted with pleasure.
Suddenly, I felt him explode as his dick began to jump. My legs also began to quiver, so I knew I was cumin’ as well. I wrapped my arms around his back and didn’t want to let go. Rashad continued to shake as he probably let out six months worth of sperm that he’d been holding onto.
Afterwards, he lay nestled in my arms like a baby. Once we finally got ourselves together, we tried to focus on the movie for the third time. I smiled as I rubbed my hand back and forth against his face and thought about how happy I was that Rashad was in my life. However, my smile quickly faded, when I begin to think about Scottie. How was I gonna explain this to him? No matter how hard I tried to get away from it, drama clung to me like a leech. I’d been dealing with it all my life, and now I was beginning to think that I was cursed.
Chapter 21
The Simpson Road massacre was startin’ to bring some serious heat from the Feds and local authorities. It had been in the paper several times and even made national news. The streets knew who was responsible for the murders, but shit never linked back to me. People talked and gossipped among themselves, but no one really talked. Snitchin’ was a no-no and the number one rule on the streets, no mater what city you were in.